Little Cities takes on unique projects in communities across Virginia and beyond to make them better. We work hand in hand with community leaders, donors, and volunteers to bring projects to fruition.


“Central Bark”-

Madison Heights’ 1st Dog Park

Madison Heights is a small town in Amherst County, VA and until now, has not had a dog park. Dog parks have proven to be excellent additions to communities - they bring people together and facilitate connection between residents with common interests. They encourage healthy outdoor activity, attract new people to the community, and give them a way to socialize their dogs - and themselves! Plus, kids have playgrounds, why shouldn’t dogs get them, too?

After receiving a great deal of public support, we have begun development work on the first dog park in Madison Heights in partnership with the Amherst County Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Development Board. We’re calling it “Central Bark.”

Contact us to get involved in bringing Central Bark to life! We’re looking for sponsors, material donations, and volunteers!


The Petersburg Harbor

What has been known as “the harbor” in downtown Petersburg, VA has sat vacant for years. The 10-acre site has been an unused green space just waiting to be redeveloped. The property was transferred to a private owner in 2019, and we are working in concert with the owner to make the Petersburg Harbor a true destination for the City.

This property will be transformed into a waterfront community space, well-suited for recreation, events, and more! Additionally, we are working with the Friends of the Lower Appomattox River (FOLAR) to incorporate the Petersburg Harbor into their new expanded trails network.

Since the transfer of the property to private ownership, the Harbor has hosted four extremely successful community events including the Trapezium Independence Day Fireworks Shows in 2022 and 2023, and the Festival of Grapes & Hops organized by the SOVA Chamber in 2022 and 2023. Each event brought thousands to downtown Petersburg and created an amazing environment for people to enjoy the city together.

The Petersburg Mural Path

Little Cities is excited to partner with Petersburg developer and property owner Waukeshaw Development to create the Petersburg Mural Path. The path will begin at the corner of E. Bank St. and Madison St. and follow the E. Bank St. corridor west, winding down to Bollingbrook St., and across Pelham St. to Cockade Alley.

There are 9 potential mural locations, creating a density of public art in Petersburg to ensure we make it a true destination for locals and visitors. Our goal is to create connectivity between the thriving E. Bank St./Bollingbrook St. corridor and the Sycamore St. area. We’re eager to engage local artists and partners to bring this vision to fruition.

Contact us if you’re interested in partnering on this initiative!